You’re looking for MORE?

More clients? More money? More freedom?

NLP is the missing tool that can get you there! The most successful & influential people in the world use(d) NLP in order to achieve & maintain their success. Oprah Winfrey practices it. Tony Robbins is trained in it. And you? You could be next.

Secure My Spot for February!

All purchased tickets may be used at any future event if these dates do not work for your schedule. Prices for this event will increase and purchasing your ticket today secures this price.

The Levels of LIVE Training

When You Study With Us, You Will Be Able to Use NLP Applications in

  • All Modes of Business including Sales and Communication
  • To Create Change and Growth on a Personal Level
  • Selling From Stage + Presenting + Sales Pitch
  • Therapy and Relationship Coaching
  • Learning and Educational Coaching
  • Business and Personal Coaching

NLP Business Practitioner

4 days | $3997

NLP Business Master Practitioner

7 days | $7997

*available after successfully completing NLP Business Practitioner & can be bundled together

LIVE, in-person, training events guaranteed to help you grow your business, change your life, & make more money.

What is NLP?

Developed in the 1970s by American psychologists Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP posits the idea that a person’s cognitive, sensory, communicative, behavioral and emotional faculties can be consciously 'programmed' to achieve personal excellence.

4 Day NLP Business Practitioner

February 24th-27th - $3997 from 10a-8p each day

Additional 2022 dates: June 23rd-26th & October 20th-23rd

NLP Business Practitioner teaches you and your team the tools and techniques needed to stand out amongst the competition, open your mind up to new ideas and create lasting connections with your customers, stakeholders, and audience across your professional life. The flexibility of behavior, thinking and communication needs to keep up with the fast pace changing world.

Clients who use NLP in their businesses report that as managers and leaders they are now better coaches, motivators and influencers. Their organizations benefit from improved performance, more successful conflict resolution and more productive communication. Additionally, NLP techniques enhance negotiation and selling skills.

  • Charge More for Your Value
  • Stand Out from the Competition
  • Guarantee Your Clients Results
  • Be the Go-To Expert in the Field
  • Help Clients
  • Learn to speak the same language as your client
  • Look from a different perspective
  • Examine your beliefs
  • Replicate excellence in any field
  • Increase Sales
  • Learn Negotiation
  • Increase Confidence and Presence
  • Improving personal effectiveness
  • Presentations
  • Leadership
  • Decision Making 

95% of our behavior is unconscious.

Trying to change behavior without an awareness of how the unconscious mind works simply isn’t effective, it leaves your clients without the results they paid for!

NLP is a game-changer in your work with clients because it teaches you how to go beyond the conscious tools you’ve been taught and leverage the power of the unconscious mind.


"Received my first $25,000 check today!!!! It is still lots of work but I received a thru commitment from the family for the year (10 month) and I am grateful for you opening those possibilities to even ask!! Storming ahead!! Thank you so much!!"

- Maryse

"I am really surprised at the course of this coaching. I had no idea that I would be doing such inner work to be able to succeed in business. For three years I have been looking for solutions outside of myself. This is crrrazzzyyy!!!"

- Ashley

Includes 2 Certifications

Certified Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Being a coach is powerful, being a certified NLP Coach commands advanced knowledge in the field of human performance and is highly valued in the business community which means they earn more money for contract coaching services personally and professional corporate coaching.

Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Learn traditional NLP Techniques, The NLP Basics, and more modern advanced techniques that have been practiced, applied and refined by the trainers and other experts in the field of NLP for over 45 years.

What will training include?

"I opened myself up to good energy and an old boss reached out to ask me about coming back on in a senior management role. They have a fractional COO that’s not working out so I’ll be taking over those duties. Will make 2x what I’m making now and that can allow me more time and flexibility to deal with all the stuff going on. "

- Letty

"We just did a profit and loss accounting and I am reaching my goal for at least doubling my income. "

- Maria